Kategori: Brev

  • Uttalande om de pågående kränkningarna av barns rättigheter i Gaza

    Uttalande om de pågående kränkningarna av barns rättigheter i Gaza

    IBBY International skriver om den humanitära krisen i Gaza: International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) står fast vid de principer som stöds i FN:s konventioner om mänskliga rättigheter, särskilt konventionen om barnets rättigheter och uppmanar alla globala ledare att arbeta tillsammans för Gazas barns räkning. IBBY föddes i efterdyningarna av andra världskriget med…

  • IBBY Internationals uttalande om den humanitära krisen i Gaza

    IBBY International skriver om den humanitära krisen i Gaza: Statement on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza As a non-governmental organization advocating for international understanding through children’s books and upholding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) joins the worldwide call for an immediate ceasefire…

  • IBBY International skriver om situationen i Israel och Palestina

    IBBY Statement on the situation in Israel and Palestine The events that unfolded since Saturday, 7 October stunned and shocked the world. The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) denounces all violence, in any form, and especially violence against children. IBBY’s Mission Statement calls for the protection of all children as codified in…

  • Nyårsbrev från IBBY INTERNaTIONALS ordförande Mingzhou Zhang

    Dear IBBY friends, As we enter 2020, we look back at the past year to our challenges and achievements. 2019 was a busy year with IBBY Regional Conferences in Italy, Colombia, Ghana, China and the USA. New sections were established and we welcomed Cameroon, the Dominican Republic and Guatemala to the IBBY family. The founding…